Business Partner Opportunities
Better Together
Supporting NSPMA provides business partners a national platform to grow their network. In return, NSPMA members learn about the latest products, services and research and development in the school facilities management field. Join us to get in front of decision-makers and engage with innovators to bring best-in-class service to school facilities.
Individual Business Partner Membership $95 Join Now
Corporate Membership (up to 8 representatives) $495 Join Now
Sponsorship Opportunities
Lunch & Learn
- A one-time contribution of $500
- Join one monthly Executive Board of Directors meeting with NSPMA for a 30-minute virtual presentation.
Newsletter Logo Advertisement
- A one-time contribution of $250
- NSPMA sends monthly newsletters to an audience of more than 2000 individuals.
- Dedicate your support for the industry and provide your logo for one quarter-page advertising space in an edition of your choosing.
Newsletter & Website Logo Ad
- A one-time contribution of $500
- Include your logo in print and online.
- Starting in July, your featured logo will run on the NSPMA website for 365 days.
- Your logo will also be in one quarter-page advertising space in a newsletter edition.
Logo & Tagline Advertisement
- A one-time contribution of $1,000
- Create a one-page advertisement for the newsletter and include your logo with two additional lines about your business on the website.
Expand your reach today… Contact Us!